Download le blek
Download le blek

download le blek

The way the doodle animates and comes to life as you draw is wondrous. The look and feel of Blek is very organic. Challenging games can be fun, but if you're easily annoyed you might not enjoy Blek's difficult later levels, especially as you cannot skip to the next. Most of Blek's puzzles can be solved with a number of different patterns but it seems that with some puzzles there's only one way to complete them, often requiring pinpoint accuracy. Other times they can be infuriating to the point you'll be steaming with rage as you frantically scribble all over your screen like some sort of calligraphy-obsessed maniac. Solutions to Blek's puzzles are sometimes easy to stumble upon. By Blek's later levels, the screen is full of obstacles that your little doodle will need to negotiate, and it really challenges your puzzling There are also colored dots that fire off bullets when you hit them that can, in turn, burst other dots. For example, there are small black dots that must be avoided by your pattern. Things start to get decidedly tricky after a few levels, as other elements are introduced into the equation. "It’s the sort of game you’d want to put on a space probe: when the aliens play it, they’ll take a liking to us right away.The first few puzzles in Blek are quite gentle on you, and it's fairly obvious, despite the lack of a tutorial, how to hit all the dots.

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"One of the greatest joys of Blek is experimenting with your approach." ~ WIRED "The Most Brilliant iPad Game I've Played All Year." ~ Kotaku

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To every level countless solutions exist, from delightfully simple to exceptionally deep and complex, yet always elegant. There are no specific moves that you need to master. The goal is simple: shape a line that collects all colored circles avoiding black holes on its route. Everything you draw keeps moving – and watching your creations move is like watching magic. Blek is a unique game about imagination and personality.

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